Monday, April 28, 2008

3D Animation

Diploma of 3D Computer Animation (NZQA Level 6, 160 credits)The modern world offers a kaleidoscope of 3-Dimensional content, from television advertising, to films, games and the Internet. The expansion of 3D content over recent years is primarily attributed to advancements in technology and software. The Diploma of 3D Computer Animation is a highly-specific course with significant focus on students developing animation capability that is fundamental to this industry. Under expert tuition of industry practitioners, students on the Diploma of 3D Computer Animation learn to conceptualize, develop, model, texture, animate and render complex animations based on industry techniques and processes utilising industry-standard software application, Autodesk Maya.The course begins with a 6-week stop-motion animation project introducing you to a real-life practical study of production right from the outset. Going forward skills developed during the Diploma include modeling, texture mapping, rigging, lighting, and character animation. Other techniques such as inverse and forward kinematics, morph targets, facial animation controllers and particles will be covered as well as post production techniques.During the last section of the qualification, students work individually on their 3D production and their final showreel.New from 2007: Graduate Fast Track - As 3D imagery becomes more sophisticated and complex, many graduates chose to build on their diploma level skills and increase their career opportunities and their value to the industry. 3D Graduates can apply to cross-credit their diploma components onto the final academic year of the Graduate Diploma of Advanced 3D Productions. Please refer to the course page for further details. Graduate Destinations
Graduates gain specialist 3D skills as modellers, lighting and rendering specialists, texture artists, animators for industries such as entertainment (film, gaming, television), advertising, engineering, and in new areas such as informational and reconstruction design in the medical, scientific, architectural and forensics fields. Graduate career industry positions can include 3D Animator, Storyboard Artist, Character Designer, Modeller, Lighting Artist, Texture Artist, 3D Artist.
Graduates of the Diploma of 3D Computer Animation may apply for study on the graduate programmes of game development (game art stream), advanced 3D productions, creative technologies (industry research and projects) or broaden their skills through further study on MDS diploma programmes. Graduates may apply for cross-crediting onto the advanced graduate diploma and commence at the qualification’s final year MDS 3D computer animation graduates have been employed by a range of companies including Sidhe Interactive, Animal Logic, Weta Digital, Right Hemisphere, Oktobor, La Luna Studios, Binary Star, Fat Animation. Media Design School reserves the right to modify or amend the curriculum and/or software applications without written notice.

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